[-empyre-] constructive vs. deconstructive



Yeah, there are a lot of microsound composers who work with programming systems like Max and Csound (at some point, it seems the majority), but so far I haven't yet taken the plunge. As a PC user, I've tried Audiomulch (http://www.audiomulch.com), but haven't had any success in getting it to work.

Regardless, there seems to be a spectrum of approaches to composition: constructive, whereby sounds are generated from scratch, and deconstructive, taking apart pre-existing sounds and either reworking or digging through the layers to reveal latent artifacts (collage/montage being in the middle somewhere???). So far, in my digital work, I've focused mostly on the deconstructive end of things, but I hope to move further up the continuum.

SoundForge has been my primary vehicle for processing sounds, around which I've floated the various freeware databenders. It's interesting how one tool can filter your experiences and aesthetics. I'll have to think about that more.

Okay, more later.  Lots of threads going now.


Felix Sattler wrote:

- max/msp now featuring the jitter video-component was already mentioned
before: http://www.cycling74.com
i reckon that as one of the most flexible solution for both algorithmic
sound and structure generation ; even if it is in some way a programming
language it is quite easy to use because it features an object oriented
environment with a nice gui

- "supercollider" is derived from the c programming language and demands a
bit more sophisticated usage as it lacks the objects and gui. therefore you
get sound-manipulation on molecular level: granular synthesis' favourite.
it is now available as freeware:

- "soundhack" allows to use any file type (including text, images, video) to
become a source for sound and does a lot more, mainly spectral processing.
it is available for mac (os 9 and X) at

- csound will also perform a lot of weird synthesis stuff:

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